Monday, September 24, 2007


Universe, illuminated by billions of
suns dying, like mind spread over too
much world, conscious virus impaling
its will on an ach-ing mindless rock
running an endless marathon around a
dy-ing star in an unnamed apart-ment
complex in the ghetto of the univers
e, illuminated by billions of suns dy
ing, like mind spread over too much w
orld, conscious virus impaling its wi
ll on an ach-ing mindless rock runnin
g an endless marathon around a dy-ing
star in an unnamed apart-ment comple
x in the ghetto of the universe, illu
minated by billions of suns dying, li
ke mind spread over too much world, c
onscious virus impaling its will on a
n ach-ing mindless rock running an en
dless marathon around a dy-ing star i
n an unnamed apart-ment complex in th
e ghetto of the universe, illuminated
by billions of suns dying, like mind
spread over too much world, consciou
s virus impaling its will on an ach-i
ng mindless rock running an endless m
arathon around a dy-ing star in an un
named apart-ment complex in the ghett
o of the universe, illuminated by bil
lions of suns dying, like mind spread
over too much world, conscious virus
impaling its will on an ach-ing mind
less rock running an endless marathon
around a dy-ing star in an unnamed a
part-ment complex in the ghetto of th
e universe, illuminated by billions o
f suns dying, like mind spread over t
oo much world, conscious virus impali
ng its will on an ach-ing mindless ro
ck running an endless marathon around
a dy-ing star in an unnamed apart-me
nt complex in the ghetto of the unive
rse, illuminated by billions of suns
dying, like mind spread over too much
world, conscious virus impaling its
will on an ach-ing mindless rock runn
ing an endless marathon around a dy-i
ng star in an unnamed apart-ment comp
lex in the ghetto of the universe, il
luminated by billions of suns dying,
like mind spread over too much world,
conscious virus impaling its will on
an ach-ing mindless rock running an
endless marathon around a dy-ing star
in an unnamed apart-ment complex in
the ghetto of the universe, illuminat
ed by billions of suns dying, like mi
nd spread over too much world, consci
ous virus impaling its will on an ach
-ing mindless rock running an endless
marathon around a dy-ing star in an
unnamed apart-ment complex in the ghe
tto of the universe, illuminated by b
illions of suns dying, like mind spre
ad over too much world, conscious vir
us impaling its will on an ach-ing mi
ndless rock running an endless marath
on around a dy-ing star in an unnamed
apart-ment complex in the ghetto of
the universe, illuminated by billions
of suns dying, like mind spread over
too much world, conscious virus impa
ling its will on an ach-ing mindless
rock running an endless marathon arou
nd a dy-ing star in an unnamed apart-
ment complex in the ghetto of the uni
verse, illuminated by billions of sun
s dying, like mind spread over too mu
ch world, conscious virus impaling it
s will on an ach-ing mindless rock ru
nning an endless marathon around a dy
-ing star in an unnamed apart-ment co
mplex in the ghetto of the universe,

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